Friday, September 14, 2012

Amino acid pool

·        It is the free amino acid content distributed throughout the extracellular fluid.
·        Quantitatively it is about 100g in an adult individual of which glutamate and glutamine together represent 50% essential amino acids represent 10% and other amino acid represent 40%.
·        Amino acid pool is always being reestablished by amino acid coming from three sources
o   Dietary protein
o   Endogenous amino acid synthesis
o   Endogenous protein breakdown.
·        Amino acid pool is constantly undergoing depletion due to disposal of amino acid through different metabolic processes usually at a rate equal to the rate by which amino acid feed the pool.
·        Metabolic fates experienced by the amino acids of amino acid pool are:
o   Synthesis of tissue protein
o   Synthesis of non protein nitrogenous substances
o   Transamination and deamination leading to generation of NH3 and carbon skeleton of amino acid.
o   NH3 is converted to urea and carbon skeleton may be oxidized or utilized for synthesis of glucose, acetyl CoA, fatty acid, Ketone bodies, Steroids.

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