care physicians play a key role in early identification of risk factors, in the
management of patients for improving quality and length of life, and for
preventing complications.
by contrast, should guide specific treatments, especially in the case of
complications and for selecting patient candidates for liver transplantation.
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Non Alcoholic
Steato Hepatitis(NASH)
Alcohol abuse
Others e.g. Primary biliary cirrhosis, α1-antitrypsin
deficiency, Hemochromatosis, Wilson disease, cryptogenic.
Clinical Features:
present with stigmatas of CLD such as vascular spiders, palmar erythema, spider
angiomata, palmar erythema, Gynaecomastia, dilated abdominal veins, loss of
hair, testicular atrophy.
jaundice, ascites, splenomegaly and asterixis indicate signs of decompensation
may be diagnosed incidentally through laboratory findings
- · CBC
- · Liver function tests ( S. Bilirubin , SGOT, SGPT, ALP, S.albumin, A: G Ratio, Prothrombin Time)
- · S. electrolytes,
- · S. creatinine
- · USG of whole abdomen—coarse liver, splenomegaly, ascites
- · Viral Marker ( HBS Ag, Anti HCV)
Nutrition, Fluid
and Electrolyte:
- Diet according to patient’s status eg. Malnourished (high protein and carbohydrate), hepatic encephalopathy/precoma (Protein restriction) Ascites (salt restriction).
- Lactulose in constipation (20 – 30 ml/day)
- Stop OCP, Sedatives, NSAID and Paracetamol.
B. Management
according to presentation:
- · No added salt,
- · Paracentesis for diagnosis and therapy:
- Send sample for biochemistry/cytology and C/S if possible.
- · Spironolactone (100 mg - 400 mg daily) and/or furosemide (40 mg - 160 mg daily),
- Measure weight daily, target weight loss at ~500g/day.
- The dose of diuretics - increased every 3–4 days to achieve target weight loss.
- · For spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP), based on abdominal pain, fever, and ascitic fluid report.
- Start IV Cefotaxim 1g tds/ ciprofloxacin 200mg IV BD for 7 - 10 days.
- Antibiotic prophylaxis included ciprofloxacin ,750 mg orally once weekly
- · If there is massive ascites – Refer to secondary level/ Tertiary level
Hepatic Encephalopathy
I: Changes in behaviour with minimal change in level of consciousness
II: Disorientation, drowsiness, asterixis, inappropriate behaviour
III: Marked confusion, incoherent speech, sleeping but rousable
IV: Comatose, unresponsive, decorticate or decerebrate posturing
- · Avoid sedatives/ diuretics
- · Maintenance of Nutrition and fluid balance
- · Lactulose 20mL tds (titrate dose to achieve at least 2 loose stools/day), if necessary enema until 2–4 bowel movements/day .
- · Amoxicillin (500mg TDS)/ Metronidazole (400mg TDS)/Rifaximin (400 mg TDS) for gut sterilization.
- Grade 3 or 4 encephalopathy-Refer
Hematemesis and Melaena
I/V Fluid (N/S, Hartman
sol.), Immediate blood transfusion and refer.
Coagulopathy Characterized
by prolonged prothrombin time
Vitamin K - 10mg I/V for
3 days.
Severe coagulopathy, Vit
K can be given IV 10mg slowly and Refer
Hepatorenal syndrome –
Characterized by oliguria in
cirrhotic patient without proteinuria and abnormal sediment in urine.
referral-- Stop diuretics & NSAIDs and Catheterise bladder
Indication for Referral: